Plein Air Series

I am absolutely fascinated with the relationship of light, weather, time, and the way a scene drastically changes depending on these three elements. I started my plein air journey in early 2022, and cannot imagine my life without it! The challenges and fulfillment that comes with painting outdoors is my favourite way to study the world around me. I strive to capture the nuances and magic in the relationship between people, society, and natural world around us with these pieces.

I will have an online shop soon where you can easily purchase my work! If a specific piece here is of interest to you, please contact me

Personal original work

As a painter I work in a variety of mediums and sizes, and lean towards colourful and expressive strokes that reflect my personal experiences and relationships. Painting has offered me therapeutic values as I was, and still, learning to cope with chronic pain since being diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis at the age of 11. I explore the juxtaposition of dark subject matter with beautiful bright colours, to represent that there is beauty despite the pain that comes with living. I strive to offer a sense of connection and relatability with these pieces.

Art has the power to heal, create dialogue, connect, and inspire . With my art, I hope to make the world of at least one individual feel seen and heard, while also reaping the benefits of expressing my inner world.

I will have an online shop soon where you can easily purchase my work! Some of this work is part of my personal collection and may not be for sale, however, If a specific piece here is of interest to you, please contact me